Wednesday, September 10, 2014

There was a plan

There was a plan. I was going to use this platform to trace my observations of life, the universe and everything in a rough chronology; from my childhood in Miami Beach, to my college days in Connecticut, through my time in New York, Washington and onward. All stories told from the perspective of someone who has chosen to eschew internal combustion engined transportation in favor of my own two feet. After the initial post, I made a list of topics I wanted to cover and thought that list would provide a solid framework for this blog and propel my stories forward to the waiting eyes of millions. But as the great poet Robbie Burns once wrote in "To a Mouse, on Turning Her up in Her Nest with the Plough: "best-laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley," Unlike the speaker in the poem, I can see forward and with apologies for delays, it's time to walk and write ahead.

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